My Workflow v2

Some friends of mine recently released a podcast episode on the topics of attention management related tools, and it turned out that one of the resources they referenced was an old blog post of mine on the topic; so maybe that's a decent place to start and see what's worked out, what hasn't, and what new circumstances necessarily change strategy.


I'm going to break from the usual work-related topics to talk about a few major changes that are afoot with me and my family.

I Don't Work for a Technology Company

I don't work for a technology company...and it's likely you don't either.

On Change and Career

Change is both inevitable and good - this includes career changes. However, in moments of decision, make sure you're balancing the short and long term.

My Workflow

Like many of you, I've tried (and abandoned) many different systems and tools over the years to support an effective and sustainable personal workflow. After using the same system for a few months now, I think I may have found something that works for me.

On Disappointment

This morning, I received word of a decision that I've been waiting on for a few months now. Unfortunately, it was not the outcome I had hoped for.

Growing Pains

If there’s one thing that I want for the 10 of you that read this blog (hi dad!), it’s that you know that I want to be as transparent as humanly possible with you - about both the successes and failures. I started with Concur as a development manager about a year ago and was promoted to director a few months ago. This is post is an update of what’s gone well, what hasn’t gone as well, and some areas where I’m not really sure whether what I’m observing is good or bad.

I lost a friend today

I have a million and one things that I should be doing right now. There’s code that needs to be reviewed, more code that needs to be written, customer calls to prepare for, expense reports to approve (and submit). I’m not doing any of those things right now. None of that feels all that important. I learned today that my friend and former colleague, Thomas Remkus, just lost his fight with cancer.

Leaving Microsoft

After 8 amazing years, it’s time for me to move on. I’ll articulate my own rationale for leaving shortly, but it would be disingenuous to not first list some of the many, many ways that I have grown and benefited from my time working at Microsoft. I got to run the developer certification program where I designed and built programs that helped start and grow the careers of many. It was also in this role that I had the opportunity to file my first patent.

Stuck in a Rut

Warning: This is a completely downer of a post. If you don’t want to risk being pulled down with me, stop now. I don’t know whether the place I’m at is particular to software folks or whether it’s something more general that everybody has to deal with at one point or another. I feel stuck. Stuck between holding onto the technical skills that I spent more than a decade developing and building up more abstract skills like management and business development.